A lot of people think that the start of a new year will make things all better. The truth is, New Years is not magic. All of the problems you had last week will still be there, they don't magically disappear at the end of the year. However, the new year is an opportunity to change your attitude and start fresh. Truthfully, you could really do this any day of the year, but on New Year's Eve everyone tends to reflect on the past year and wish for better things in the new year. Like others I too reflected on the past year. There certainly were some challenging times, but I wouldn't expect any year to be challenge free. Usually I don't make resolutions, but this year I thought of a few things I want to work on that will make me happier.
1. Be a better girlfriend- I am currently a pretty kick ass girlfriend, but I would like to be more trusting.
2. Hang out with friends more- I have a tendency to let school consume me and leave no time for fun. This year I want to make more time to be a 21 year old and go out with friends and have fun. This will also help with my intense social anxiety!!
3. Watch more tv- Again, I spend so much time on school work that I rarely sit back to just watch some tv. This one might be hard to do!
4. Quit biting my fingers- My worst habit!! Going to be tough to quit!
5. Reduce/stop fat talk- I want to accept myself more as I am. If I have a negative thought I want to just let it go and accept myself in the moment.
Those are the improvements I have decided to work on for 2013!! Happy New Year!
Stay Strong and Beautiful! <3
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