Sunday, April 15, 2012


We all have our insecurities. Some more than others, personally, I feel like I have too many to count. At times my insecurities can be crippling. There are days I feel so fat, or ugly that I don't want any one to see me, so I don't leave the house if possible. Other days I get so insecure about who I am as a person that comments made by others (including harmless comments) stick with me and replay through my mind to the point that it becomes personal.

Lately I have been feeling insecure about how I do not look, and at times act, my age. I work with kids, so I tend to take on their care-free spirit which can be childish, I am aware, but I also know that it makes me a happier person than most. I wonder if that is something I should change, or if it is ok and is just who I am? I also feel insecure about the age I look, I am 21 and people guess 15 or 16. It makes it hard to be taken seriously as a woman and as a girlfriend. I know Nick sees me as a woman, but I feel like I look at other couples and the woman is so sophisticated. I feel lost right now, like I don't know who I am or who I should be.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation" -Herman Melville

Stay Strong and Beautiful! <3

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