Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My body is not me

The title of this post may be a bit misleading, but I am going to explain why I chose it:

While my body is mine and in this moment, I am content with my shape, it is not who I am. I am a person not a body. My body shape does not tell the world that I am a sister, a girlfriend, a best friend, a mentor, a shoulder to cry on, or a person with a very big heart and passion for helping others. My body shape does not tell the world that I am a woman that has a love for teaching and strives to be a positive role model. My body shape does not tell the world that I am out to change the world!

Challenge yourself to see yourself as a person and not a body. The person is within and cannot be represented by our appearance. The mirror can never give us an accurate image of who we are as people and who you are as a person is what matters most in this world.

Stay strong and beautiful! <3

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Picking up the pieces

I used to be so good at posting on regular basis, but lately I have been bad! My passion for advocacy and change remains as strong as ever. In fact, it has multiplied. I recently lost a friend due to a very tragic accident. Knowing her was truly a gift and I have no doubt that her role in my life saved me from continuing down my dark path. Before her passing, she was advocating for education in the school system about eating disorders. I am so proud of her for that. The truth about ED is ugly, I have shared some of the ugly truths on here, but the fight should not me a lonely one. The more educated parents are about ED, the sooner they can get help for their child and be as supportive as possible. Something else that needs to change is the insurance coverage of treatment. For many suffering, treatment is a long term thing and not one bit of it is affordable! Inpatient care costs tens of thousands of dollars. Then there are the outpatient costs that you need to take care of if you want the progress made in inpatient to last and mean anything. I know that I can't fix all of those problems, but I hope that by spreading awareness I can help save lives of those that I encounter.

Here is a video I found from Project HEAL on facebook. A very inspiring song by Sara Bareilles. I challenge everyone to be brave and say what you feel is important. You never know who is listening.

Stay Strong and Beautiful <3