Sunday, December 4, 2011

A little emotional, A lot inspired

Friday night was the premier of "Starving Secrets with Tracy Gold." I hope you all got to see it because it was done very well. I have seen the show "Intervention" when they have people with ED and it is so triggering for me. However, this show is done so well and delicate to the situation that it was easy for me to watch. They only mentioned a specific weight of one of the girls one time and to me it was sad! She weighed half of her ideal weight and looked so awful! There was nothing pretty about her body, and it truly broke my heart. The show truly captures the prison that people suffering from ED live in. The treatment given to the girls that appeared on this week's episode was very much like the treatment I received. Each episode highlights a person living with anorexia and a person living with bulimia. I recommend the show for anyone, especially if you want to learn more about the recovery process.

As far as I go, I have been doing much better with my meal plan. I have been cooking dinner for myself and enjoying every second of it. I like to try my cooking to see if it is any good. Saturday for the first time, I cooked Nick a big dinner and he liked it! That same night I totally broke down emotionally with him. I felt so ugly and fat! He has been working out lately and feels very comfortable with his body, and I feel like he should be with a girl who also feels good about herself and looks good. I was really upset and couldn't stop crying. He reassured me that there was nothing wrong with my body and that he thought I was beautiful. Lately I have been bad about taking my medicine regularly which I think contributed to my emotions being all over this place this weekend!!

I hope you all have enjoyed hearing from some of the people in my life. There will be more to come, and like always, if you have questions or comments you are more than welcome to email me or post on the blog!

Stay Strong and Beautiful! <3

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