Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hello loves! The past couple of days have been pretty rough! I went to the doctor and found out I have a bad case of bronchitis. After 2 breathing treatments, 3 shots and lots of medicine, I am beginning to feel better. My voice still isn't back, but with a few more days of rest I will be much better! At the doctor they put me on the scale and it took every bit of me not to look up and see what number appeared. I reminded myself that only the doctor needs to see it and I held strong. In the exam room the nurse took my blood pressure and when she put the strap around my arm I felt like my arm was so tiny and I loved it! When she went over my medications she asked what I took them for and I told her I had anorexia and after I said that she looked at my body. It was a very awkward moment but not everyone understands it, even some in the medical field. Whenever the issue of my medical condition comes up I always say "I have anorexia" instead of saying "I'm anorexic" because I feel like the latter sounds more like a choice. Anorexia is a disease and not a choice, yes I am anorexic just like my dad is diabetic, but since ED is so misunderstood, I make sure to word it in a way that doesn't suggest it as a choice.  Not much has happened lately other than that and a lot of sleeping!

Stay Strong and Beautiful! <3

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