Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday Rap-up

Today was such a wonderful day despite the lousy weather. I got to sleep in and had some yummy chocolate chip waffles for breakfast! This afternoon I snuggled up with Bella and watched a movie. Had dinner with my sister, cousin, aunt and a close friend. I love them so much. We talked about a lot of things, and one of them being my blog. My cousin said she doesn't read much because it is hard for her to read the things I have to go through with my disease. I totally respect that, but hope she knows that the beauty of being in recovery is that the bad days become fewer and fewer. It will always be a struggle but it won't always be so hard. Every body has good and bad days and we know different ways to deal with them and get through them. People with eating disorders are no different, we wake up every day not knowing if it will be a good or bad day. Like everyone else, we wish for a good day and take every moment as it comes. When you have been to Hell and back with an eating disorder you really put into perspective how fragile life is and how it can easily be taken away. Life is hard for everyone for different reasons. We can't control what challenges life will present us with, but we can control how we deal with those challenges. We can either sit back and focus on the negative and just be miserable, or we can find the good in every situation, fight with all of our might and feel the miracle of being alive.

Stay Strong and Beautiful! <3