Saturday, May 14, 2011

NEDA Walk!!

Today was the day I have been waiting on for months!!The weather held out for us and it stayed dry and warm for our walk. Everyone was so supportive, it was so amazing. Before the walk Some people spoke about eating disorders as a serious mental disease and one woman shared her inspirational story of recovery. I had tears in my eyes as each person spoke. I don't stop and think about how far I have come in two years. It has been a crazy ride and is far from over. Last night Kailyn stayed over and this morning we had breakfast together. I was having trouble toward the end of the meal but she helped me finish. At the park where the walk was held they had information about ED and treatment options....and snacks because it was snack time for most of the participants in recovery. I was able to reunite with a few girls I went to treatment with and it was so great to see them. I miss them all so much. When I am around them I feel much stronger and like I belong. Like I told you earlier, my mom's friend donated shirts and they were perfect. Someone asked where they were selling them because they liked them so much, it made me so proud of myself and my team! After the walk, me and my family went to lunch then out for frozen yogurt. For the first time in weeks I didn't have one thought about eating or food, I just did it. There was so much happy distraction that ED was extremely powerless. Right now I am exhausted and need a nap before some friends come over. Thanks to everyone who helped make today possible, it was the motivation and inspiration I needed!!!!

Stay Strong and Beautiful!! <3

1 comment:

  1. It was a great and beautiful day! Thanks for everything you doto make a difference.
